Thursday, June 26, 2008

Θ reporting a nervous breakdown Θ

June 26, 2008
Thursday 4:56pm computer time @ house

hahaiz.. i thought this day would just be an ordinary day but then what i thought was wrong for some reasons or experiences that had happened to me this day... hahaiz... as the usual day... i had my laboratory class.. my class started at 7:40am...very early in the morning but i had nothing to do with it because that was my schedule... well.. i had my java class... i learned something new but i haven't really got focused on listening to the discussions and didn't gave much effort on making my own program...well it was because i was bothered by my philo subject... i was about to report our group activity for today... i thought things will end up fine but then it was really not that fine...because didn't imagined that our philo teacher is very much intimidating and a very good interrogator....damn it! her questions are really confusing and very difficult... aside from the questions that would really cause nervous break down was her expressions and the way she's asking her questions.... it seem like she was angry and disappointed all the time... all of the reporter really had a hard time answering her confusing and difficult questions... huhuhu... and there is this one classmate of mine who cried because she didn't understood maybe the question that was addressed to her and she was also quite nervous of the questions to be after answering the previous questions... hahahiz.. i only you could see the way our teacher reacts you will really feel disappointed and anxious of what had happen or what will happen...hahaiz... i was really afraid and my hands are really cold and my heart beats like a drum and my ideas were quite rumbled because of nervousness... welll i have to master my report so that i won't be embarrassed if i can't answer her questions... well so much for this.. i have to make my case study... on my assignment on one of my major subject... till next time...=)

God Bless!=)


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