Thursday, June 26, 2008

Θ reporting a nervous breakdown Θ

June 26, 2008
Thursday 4:56pm computer time @ house

hahaiz.. i thought this day would just be an ordinary day but then what i thought was wrong for some reasons or experiences that had happened to me this day... hahaiz... as the usual day... i had my laboratory class.. my class started at 7:40am...very early in the morning but i had nothing to do with it because that was my schedule... well.. i had my java class... i learned something new but i haven't really got focused on listening to the discussions and didn't gave much effort on making my own program...well it was because i was bothered by my philo subject... i was about to report our group activity for today... i thought things will end up fine but then it was really not that fine...because didn't imagined that our philo teacher is very much intimidating and a very good interrogator....damn it! her questions are really confusing and very difficult... aside from the questions that would really cause nervous break down was her expressions and the way she's asking her questions.... it seem like she was angry and disappointed all the time... all of the reporter really had a hard time answering her confusing and difficult questions... huhuhu... and there is this one classmate of mine who cried because she didn't understood maybe the question that was addressed to her and she was also quite nervous of the questions to be after answering the previous questions... hahahiz.. i only you could see the way our teacher reacts you will really feel disappointed and anxious of what had happen or what will happen...hahaiz... i was really afraid and my hands are really cold and my heart beats like a drum and my ideas were quite rumbled because of nervousness... welll i have to master my report so that i won't be embarrassed if i can't answer her questions... well so much for this.. i have to make my case study... on my assignment on one of my major subject... till next time...=)

God Bless!=)


Thursday, June 19, 2008

█ first prog. in java █

June 19, 2008
4:58pm Computer time @ house

this day is quite the usual day... i'm not that much happy because i was not able to go to the school chapel... because going there becomes my usual everyday routine...but then because i was very late leaving our house i was also late to arrive at school... huhuhu... so disappointing... i was really bothered by my conscience... i'm quite sad and disappointed also with what i have done because last morning was the fist university mass.. and i was not able to attend the mass.. because of the devil that is bothering me not to attend and because of those useless reasons...hahaiz... so bad... too bad... well... that's why i was not that happy this day because of what i had done... well.. another thing that disappoints me is that i failed on our first quiz in philo 103... again so sad and disappointing first quiz..bagsak! uhuhuhu... so SAD.. and speaking of SAD?! on my sad subject.. system analysis and design... we had our assignment and un... late na naman kami naka gawa..but then i'm still happpy because my 3rd degree cousin helped me...hahahaiz... god is really good... because he sends people that could help me.. Thanks lord! ay! i also had my first program in java this day.. the hello world program!hehehe...! weeehh! marunong na ako mg java! konti nga lang!! hahaha! well i'm still happy because i've learned something new today...! thanks to god! well... i think i have to end this blog... i have other things to do...

GOd bless!=)

1st java program the hello world

public class Hello{
public static void main (String args[]){
System.out.println("Hello World!");

short yet fulfilling!=)


Wednesday, June 18, 2008


June18, 2008

Wednesday 4:18pm computer time

Shaks! what the H**L! now im here at our school library.... and gosh! the internet is so laaag!! huh! i really hate it when it happens...=( huhuhu... the time is really so slow...=( i want to go home na... but i can't because i still have my 5:50pm class which is pe3...huh! so kainis...!=( now im here at our school library at the internet area because i had a two hour internet reserved due to boredom... i don't want to text my other friends to be with me because i have to adjust and be more independent because they will be graduating this year and they will leave me here in alone...=( that's why i didn't inform them that i dont have any companions for the moment... well... here i am... in the library having my reasearch and bloggngs... well.. it's really been a long time... that i had made my last blog... i think it was last week...hahaha.... because last summer i really blog everyday because i don't have much things to do... hahahiz... so sad and disappointing because my berks and my batch mate in highschool will graduate this year... but me? huh! duh! two years pa bago maka paso!=( huhuhu... so disappointing and so nakakapang hina ng loob... but then i have to face reality... and i have nothing to do with it... all i can do is to make good on my studies so that i could pass all my subjects and get all the subjects for the next semester.. and hopefully to graduate by the next school year...but then i am still quite confused on to when to enroll my calculus class because i am really afraid of the teacher...and now?! i am really quite disappointed because of the groupings on our SAD class.. i had this one group mate that is not hat much responsible than others...huhuhu... so D*mN! huhuhu..but them i feel pity on her part because we already have judge her...but then based on her past performance when it comes to groupings...nagasalig lang jud xa! in fareness... huh! so kainis!=( hahaiz... well i have to end this blog because ang sakit na ng mata ko...sory for the wrong grammars and everything ... i adjusted kasi the size of the text that's why im having a hard time reading what i have encoded... well this ends my blog..!=D

god bless!=)

4:31pm computer time... @ the library


Friday, June 13, 2008


June 14, 2008 (4:04pm computer time) saturday

on this day... hahaiz... as of now i'm currently making this blog... i don't know why... bsta na feel ko lang na dapat na akong mag blog..hahaha... anyway now i really feel so unease because i kept on thinking things that i should really do... or the things that i am ought to do such as study study study and study to get good grades and to pass all my subjects for me to graduate next year or on summer...hahaiz... so tiring... it's really tiring... looking at your notes, reading, memorizing and everything... haahaiz... as of now im taking a break... making things that would relax my mind such as listening to music, browsing at the net and chatting with friends...=) i hope i could do those things that im ought to do for all my free time so that i could get good grades... hahahiz.. as of now im really nervous because im planning to get an 85% above grades to all my subjects so that i could pass the scholarship... i hope God will help me attain my goals... i know he saves and he is always there beside me, guiding and taking care of me... giving me the things and support that i need.. i really hope that i could cope up this challenge... this problem that i know i can handle as long as i will not do things that would ruin my goal... God gave me this and i know he gave me this because i can handle it... hahaiz... pinapasadiyos ko na lahat... i hope mawala na itong feeling of uneasiness... i think this is all for today...=)

God bless☻


Sunday, June 8, 2008

*TOP addiction*

June 9, 2008
Monday 12:56pm

-my tales of pirates characters-

-tales of pirates environment----> (as seen above)

-my explorer character lvl21----> (as seen above)

-my swordsman character lvl38(top) lvl22(bottom)-----> (seen above)

-my hunter character lvl13----> (as seen above)

-noneym and my friend mimo--->(as seen above)

*rey ice 1367 570
*bank 2220 2705
*nurse gina 2243 2771
*little daniel 2194 2734
*senna 2223 2785
*blak smith 2193 2706
*ditto 2250 2770
*marcusa bee 2063 2733
*salvier 2219 2749
*to goldie 2193 2706
2194 2707 black smith
2193 2732 little daniel
*pig 2226 2786
*ditto 2250 2771
*2240 2752 rouri
*salvier 2219 2750 mushroom
*rouri 2240 2752
*swordsman promotion
2199 2766
*coral vendor -turtles area
2062 2544
*brown ship
1956 2667
*green clam
1826 2465

i really enjoyed playing this game... it is where i spent most of my summer time... i was really addicted however i had to end my addiction because classes will start tomorrow... i uninstalled the game last june 6, 2008...hehehe... farewell top characters till next time...=)

1:11pm computer time

§ class starts tomorrow §

June 9, 2008
Monday 12:48pm

today is monday, and today is a holiday because the president of this country declares this day to be a non working holiday because we celebrate our independence day... and tomorrow will be the first day of class for school year 2008-2009...huhuhu... tomorrow will by again a challenging day for me because it's my schedule for fixing my subjects for this semester...hahaiz... i hope that i could finish arranging my schedule and i hope i could have good teachers so that i could learn a lot and could gain good grades...=) well... this ends my blog...=)

God bless!=)