Tuesday, July 22, 2008

☻pHiLow class

July 23, 2008
9:15 am

heeereee i am again...^_^ well what a day! weeehhh! no class! from 12noon of this day up to sunday...! hmmm.. well here goes the story... i had my philosophy class yesterday, and we had our group discussion and a class discussion afterwards... the topic was.. "is man free?". some of my classmates recited that man is free if he could do what ever he wants without no one interfeiring him... another was.. man is free because he has his own free will... in addition, man is free if he was not deprived of something which is due for him; man has the freedom to choose.. and lastly freedom has limitations.. if you go beyond that limitations then you will suffer some consequences depending on that action... hahaiz.. yes! i agree with all of them.. we people living in this world has our own freedom. however, with great freedom comes great responsibility... we are not free to hurt others or do bad things because it goes against this certain limitation of freedom... BUT! one of my classmate really is a critical thinker and he said that man is not free... "man is not free because he is not free not to choose"...hahah! quite confusing right?! well..in short.."i cannot not choose..!" well... according to our teacher man has his own built in freedom..and choosing is on the very nature of man.. we humans reallly are obliged to choose... to do good or to do bad... or to choose not to choose...hahhaa! so confusing...well that's life... either we like it or not we really have to choose...and all of us has his/her own freedom and no one has the right to take it away from you... well.. as what i have said earlier...freedom has limitations...that's why we should have to respect one another as we respect ourselves... freedom has rules and we are all obliged to follow those rules so that we won't suffer consequences...well i think that's all for this topic.. till next time..=)

GOd bless!=)


Monday, July 21, 2008

☻GoOd JoB

July 21, 2008
Monday 8:37 pm computer time

This day seems to be a lucky day for me..yeheeyy! at last... i passed my networking exam.. and i got a good grade... i grade that i want to expect but not really i expect... ehehhe... my studying and sleeping late really payed of.. thank's to GOd!=) well this day is really a good day, even if it is a rainy day it was still a cool day... i received good news such as the extension of the submission of our preliminary investigation on our system analysis and design subject... actually i am really nervous when it comes to this subject... not only nervous but paranoid...huhuhu... i don't know what to do to pass this subject.. huh! i really don't want to disappoint my parents because they seem really have this very high expectaions when it comes to my performances.. and that's what im really worrying about...huh! it really disappoints me alot when i get low grades on an exam, quiz, seatworks and recitations because of those expectations..huhu! duh! i don't want to talk about it..it really gave me a lot of stress...STRESS that could make me look old and could possibly kill me...=( well...if that happens then good bye world.. hmmm.. i think this is up for today.. i have to finish my essay for my philosopy subject.. i hope i could finish it this time so that i could have no worries as i go to sleep... til next time..=)

GOd bless!
