Saturday, September 13, 2008


September 14, 2008
Sunday 10:30am

today is like the same ordinary day for me... i woke up early in the morning to go to church by my self because i have so many things to do... when i arrived here in our house i turned on this computer and ate some snack... however, my attention was caught up by someone... there was this mother and daughter who was knocking at our gate and saying..."manglimpyo mi te..." actually when i heard it i pity them... i feel so depressed and sad for them... i hope God will also bless them the way he blessed me... i hope their suffering won't be long so that they could also feel happy and burdenless of problems... i was touched by their situation and i will be praying for them to safe in where ever they may go and find peace, happyness and blessing from our lord God...

This is all for today...

God bless!=D
